Step 1: Power on your Orbi, Connect the internet cable to the Internet port as shown in the picture below. Then hold the reset bottom for 20 seconds, until the light goes from green to orange to flashing orange.

Then find the label at the bottom of Orbi router

Step 2: Connect to your Orbi WiFi. The Orbi WiFi name and password can be found on the label.
Step 3: Visit or, and log in with
username: admin
password: password
Step 4: Choose Internet at the option bar, and select Yes at “Does your Internet connection require a login?

Step 5: Fill in following sections as shown in the image below, then click APPLY.

Step 6: Click “CLick VLAN” as shown in the image below.

And then make sure you disable the VLAN(by unticking this box) as shown in the image below. And then click APPLY.

Then, Wait for at least 10 minutes, your internet will be there!