
Netgear D7000

NETGEAR D7000 | NetGuardStore.com

Log into the gateway:

  1. Ensure your device is connected to the Router (preferably via cable)
  2. Open a web browser
  3. Type the following in the address bar at the top: routerlogin.net
  4. Default Username: admin
  5. Default Password: password
  6. This should then give access to the routers user interface. *

** (If the password is incorrect you will need to Factory Reset the router by pushing the Inset Reset button on the back for 10 seconds) **

How to add correct settings for the Hotshot network:

  1. From the Basic menu select: Internet
  2. Select Country: New Zealand
  3. Internet Service Provider: Other
  4. VLAN ID: Unticked
  5. Does your internet require a login: Yes
  6. Encapsulation: PPPoE
  7. Login: HotShotFibre
  8. Password: UrDa8est
  9. Connection Mode: Always On
  10. Click: Apply (top of page)
  11. Select Advanced Menu (from top of page)
  12. Select: Setup
  13. Select: WAN Setup
  14. WAN Preference: Must Use Ethernet WAN
  15. Click Apply (top of page)

The router should now reboot.

When it comes back online you’ll be good to go!

Still need further assistance? No worries! Send us an email or online chat with someone.

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